The unfortunate series of events in the Flint, Michigan water system have generated a lot of discussion about lead in drinking water, some accurate and some not. While the Flint experience is a very serious problem, our water supply has not experienced a problem. We do test for lead and copper issues periodically and have not had a problem. We will conduct the next round of tests in the early summer. There is a segment in the annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) which reports the test results. Our next CCR will be mailed out in June and also published on this website.
The best sources of information on drinking water issues is often the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the (Federal) Environmental Protection Agency, among others. Some recent news coverage indicating that 18 cities in Pennsylvania have “higher lead exposure than Flint” is inadvertently misleading in that it has more to do with children’s exposure to lead paint, not lead in drinking water. While lead paint exposure can be a serious issue, it is not in any way related to drinking water.
The following links provide further information on the subject. The first two articles are from the DEP and the third is from the Penn State Extension:
Recent DEP Press Release on Flint, Michigan Water Problem